17.72 lb. Striper

by Rusty
Up on Lake Mohave, the fishing is holding up well for stripers. Our local angler, Raul Gonzalez, is showing off a superb catch he landed while fishing or trolling near the area just above the power lines. He was using a swimbait to catch these fish. The larger one weighed in at 17.72 pounds and measured 35 and 1/4 inches. I've been noticing that watching for birds or ripples is a good indicator of where you can find these fish chasing the shad.
Meanwhile, below the Davis Dam, trout are still on the menu and are stocked by the folks at the Willow Beach Hatchery for our local and visiting anglers. This also helps greatly with the caddis fly issue. Spinners and various baits work well, along with trout jigs, to reach your limit of five trout. It's worth noting that we're currently seeing some of our larger stripers at this time of year, while the smaller ones are not as prevalent yet. Swimbaits have been the most effective in producing a great catch now and again. Anglers are having fantastic luck in the Community Park area, which has proven to be a prime fishing spot.
Hope this information helps for now, and we look forward to seeing you soon to share your catch and your story. Mostly, thank you so much for all of your support! Now, go catch a fish!
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City, AZ.
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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